Uncategorized 2022-06-03

The View From My Porch 06.02.22

My view from the porch 06.02.22
This morning in our bible study we finished out the book of John. In this last chapter John 21:15-19 Jesus is asking Peter if he loved Him. He asked Peter three different times and by the third time Peter was grieved by the question. Peter said, “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love you”. Then Jesus says, “Feed My sheep” and then Jesus said to Peter, “Follow Me”. We have heard this part of this chapter many times but that isn’t the part that spoke to me today. vs 20a says, Then Peter, turning around, saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following; 21 Peter, seeing him, said to Jesus, “But Lord, what about this man?” then Jesus said, “If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? Follow Me.”
Now… first of all, Whoa!!! I sat there and wondered how many times, have I gone to the Lord and said, “Jesus, what about so and so? What about my husband, co-worker, friend, family member?” Man, it hit me! Do you see it? Jesus’ response to Peter was, “what is that to you? Follow Me.” It reminded me that we can get so caught up in what someone else is doing or not doing, or has done that we lose site of what Jesus called us to do.
I was reminded that I have a call, and I have a work to accomplish and if I am so busy asking Jesus about someone else, I am not accomplishing the work He has for me. Stay focused my friends! Jesus has a work, a call, a purpose for you, it is fulfilled when we “Follow Him!”

St. Mary’s River Sunset